A look into the writing for my debut novel, Étouffée. Also, look out for Creole related news, events and updates.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Been a long time, but I never left you.

Sorry I've been away from the blog for so long but really, how does this blogging thing really work? How does one have a popular blog. I watched a news segment yesterday morning about an all-female blog site (blogHER I believe) that also had a blogging conference.

Anyway, I guess a part of promoting a book is to have social networking down, blogging down,a website, lots of interest and a great buzz, buzzing about. I finished my website two weeks ago and will have it published soon. Facebook is booming with interest for the novel and thats very exciting. This novel is my 5th professional release since 2001. What a blessing. Anyway, thats all for now. Thanks for tuning in!!

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